Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why do YOU wear makeup?

Why do you wear makeup?
For me, putting on makeup each days makes me feel like I look less tired (mom of 3, military wife, fulltime job and PhD student) and it gives me a boost of confidence. I don’t think by any means that I am bad looking or that I cannot go without makeup. I can and I probably will again in the future. I do know that when I put my makeup on and look in the mirror I just feel a little better. I feel like I am ready to take on the world!

“Twenty or 30 years ago, if you got dressed up, it was simply to please men, or it was something you were doing because society demands it,” she said. “Women and feminists today see this is their own choice, and it may be an effective tool.”
Dr. Vickery, whose Ph.D. is in chemistry, added that cosmetics “can significantly change how people see you, how smart people think you are on first impression, or how warm and approachable, and that look is completely within a woman’s control, when there are so many things you cannot control.”

 In a recent study, the impact of makeup on viewers was studied. People were asked to rate photographs of women with and without makeup. Seen very quickly (250 milliseconds), women wearing makeup looked more attractive, likeable, competent and trustworthy to the viewers than those who went without it. On longer inspection, responses became varied and nuanced. Faces with natural makeup were seen favorably but faces with more dramatic makeup were seen as less trustworthy. Makeup is a powerful but understudied tool.
Does this mean as women we should or shouldn’t wear makeup? I don’t know but I do know that it should be our choice and makeup should be something that is easy for all women to accomplish. The playing field should be leveled. I was one of those women who wore makeup but didn’t really know what I was doing. Same routine for YEARS but I wasn’t really happy with it. It felt like a necessity but nothing something that I really enjoyed. It felt like something I had to do so people would stop telling me that I look tired.
Fast forward to now. Now, my makeup routine excites me. I am learning new techniques with the same products every day. I am trying different things (liquid eyeliner…SCARY) that I would have never tried before. What did Tyra Beauty do for me? It leveled the playing field. I am no longer afraid to try doing a wing with my eyeliner. I am not afraid of the smoky eye or cream makeup. And it feels good!

So ladies, why do you wear makeup? How would you change your makeup routine? What one product couldn’t you live without?


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