Wednesday, December 30, 2015

#WellnessWednesday Do you drink enough water?

Okay folks, from here on out its Wellness Wednesday. I have a confession to make, even though I was a college athlete, long time crossfit participant and someone who still lifts frequently, I don't drink enough water. If you know me, you know that Diet Coke is my go to drink (just like I hate feet!)!. I have been known to have three or four empty cans of Diet Coke on my desk at any given time. But I can go all day without drinking water. Recently, while on vacation, I got a massage and the therapist told me that not only do I need to start drinking water but I also should add lemon to it to help cleanse my body of the toxins that are causing so much muscle tension (she wasn't daring enough to suggest I get rid of any other stressors in my life though! LOL). So I made the vow that
I would start drinking more water, which of course led to doing some research about the benefits of water in my life!

Now, I won't say I am perfect at it. I have gotten WAY better at putting lemon in both my water and Diet Coke but I don't think I am anywhere near 60 ounces per day! Ladies, what are your tricks to making sure you drink enough water? Any good fruit infused water recipes I can try? My challenge to you:


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