Wednesday, December 30, 2015

#WellnessWednesday Do you drink enough water?

Okay folks, from here on out its Wellness Wednesday. I have a confession to make, even though I was a college athlete, long time crossfit participant and someone who still lifts frequently, I don't drink enough water. If you know me, you know that Diet Coke is my go to drink (just like I hate feet!)!. I have been known to have three or four empty cans of Diet Coke on my desk at any given time. But I can go all day without drinking water. Recently, while on vacation, I got a massage and the therapist told me that not only do I need to start drinking water but I also should add lemon to it to help cleanse my body of the toxins that are causing so much muscle tension (she wasn't daring enough to suggest I get rid of any other stressors in my life though! LOL). So I made the vow that
I would start drinking more water, which of course led to doing some research about the benefits of water in my life!

Now, I won't say I am perfect at it. I have gotten WAY better at putting lemon in both my water and Diet Coke but I don't think I am anywhere near 60 ounces per day! Ladies, what are your tricks to making sure you drink enough water? Any good fruit infused water recipes I can try? My challenge to you:


Check out my VIP group on Facebook where I offer special deals and notify you of new products FIRST!!!
Triple T Beauty VIP Group

Monday, December 28, 2015

Skip The Socks?

I know, I know. It's been a while since I have written anything. Boy have things been crazy around here. I realized though that not only is this blog a part of my business but its also a ton of fun for me to do. I am promising that going forward I am going to work on blogging a MINIMUM of twice per week and will try to bring you crazy new ideas about beauty and healthcare along with other fun stuff for you to check out throughout the week!

So, tonight I thought about lip care for the winter (who doesn't hate dry, chapped lips???). While researching I came across our topic for tonight. Those of you that know me will know why this is a tough topic to write about. Those of you that don't know me....let me bring you up to speed. I hate feet. It's a very strong hate that I have for feet. I don't even like my own kid's feet and it takes everything that I have to clip their toenails! That being said, today we are going to talk about why you should considering skipping socks at bedtime.

Wearing socks to bed is cozy and warm, but some experts say it causes your tootsies to sweat, which can lead to fungal growth and bacterial reproduction. Sometimes it’s just too darn cold to go without, but if you can, skip the socks on warm nights to promote healthy feet. If you must wear the socks, trade them out for clean ones in the morning and give your feet a quick rinse before putting them on.
Considering its 74 degrees in Northern Virginia two days after Christmas, I am skipping my socks tonight ladies!!! Did you?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why do YOU wear makeup?

Why do you wear makeup?
For me, putting on makeup each days makes me feel like I look less tired (mom of 3, military wife, fulltime job and PhD student) and it gives me a boost of confidence. I don’t think by any means that I am bad looking or that I cannot go without makeup. I can and I probably will again in the future. I do know that when I put my makeup on and look in the mirror I just feel a little better. I feel like I am ready to take on the world!

“Twenty or 30 years ago, if you got dressed up, it was simply to please men, or it was something you were doing because society demands it,” she said. “Women and feminists today see this is their own choice, and it may be an effective tool.”
Dr. Vickery, whose Ph.D. is in chemistry, added that cosmetics “can significantly change how people see you, how smart people think you are on first impression, or how warm and approachable, and that look is completely within a woman’s control, when there are so many things you cannot control.”

 In a recent study, the impact of makeup on viewers was studied. People were asked to rate photographs of women with and without makeup. Seen very quickly (250 milliseconds), women wearing makeup looked more attractive, likeable, competent and trustworthy to the viewers than those who went without it. On longer inspection, responses became varied and nuanced. Faces with natural makeup were seen favorably but faces with more dramatic makeup were seen as less trustworthy. Makeup is a powerful but understudied tool.
Does this mean as women we should or shouldn’t wear makeup? I don’t know but I do know that it should be our choice and makeup should be something that is easy for all women to accomplish. The playing field should be leveled. I was one of those women who wore makeup but didn’t really know what I was doing. Same routine for YEARS but I wasn’t really happy with it. It felt like a necessity but nothing something that I really enjoyed. It felt like something I had to do so people would stop telling me that I look tired.
Fast forward to now. Now, my makeup routine excites me. I am learning new techniques with the same products every day. I am trying different things (liquid eyeliner…SCARY) that I would have never tried before. What did Tyra Beauty do for me? It leveled the playing field. I am no longer afraid to try doing a wing with my eyeliner. I am not afraid of the smoky eye or cream makeup. And it feels good!

So ladies, why do you wear makeup? How would you change your makeup routine? What one product couldn’t you live without?


Monday, September 7, 2015

Anti Aging Tips: Take Care of Your Hands!

So we have talked about makeup, care of makeup brushes, your lets talk about your hands. Taking care of your hands is very important because of the amount of use our hands get on a daily basis. Think about how often you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. How often do you put lotion on them after? Do you exfoliate (see a pattern with exfoliating???)? Here are a few tips for taking care of your hands.

1. Wash your hands before every meal and moisturize in order to maintain silky soft skin. Choose an intensive hand moisturizer if your skin is very dry.

2. Removing the dead skin cells is very important in order to promote skin cell regeneration. Exfoliating once a week will allow your skin to look and feel great. You can use a homemade scrub or you can use a purchased one. Make sure you are not using a harsh scrub on your hands to avoid skin damage.

3. Protect your hands while you are doing house choirs by wearing rubber gloves. The gloves will protect your skin from harmful chemicals we usually use to clean our household.

4. The Sun can have damaging effects over our skin and our hands are no exception. The effects of the sun's ultraviolet light are well known so protect your hands and skin with sunscreen.

5. The elements, especially cold wind can strip the moisture from our hands so it is necessary to protect them by wearing gloves. If however you forget your gloves protect your hands by putting your hands in your pockets or by pulling your sleeves to cover them as much as possible.

Finding good quality products to use to take care of your hands is as simple as going to Target/Walgreens/WalMart/CVS and finding a quality lotion. I recently started using Pink Papaya products and have found that not only do they have quality products but they are made in the USA and smell AMAZING. Check out the Cranberry Orange Hand Care Spa  and Cranberry Orange Hand Treatment Candle from Pink Papaya.

Ladies, it doesn't matter what products you use. Just make sure that you are taking good care of your hands. I for one am guilty of not putting lotion on after washing my hands. I also lift weights and therefore have "some rough spots" It's time to follow my own advice! I will be ordering today!

Shop Pink Papaya

Friday, September 4, 2015

What is Tyra Beauty anyway?


You have come to the right place! Congratulations to you for either taking the initiative to get info on Tyra Beauty, or you are here because you have taken the plunge and have become a Beautytainer! This truly ground floor opportunity is self funded by the one and only Miss. Tyra Banks! She has combined Beauty + Entertainment to create BEAUTYTAINMENT, for a true cosmetics EXPERIENCE. Tyra Beauty is not your typical cosmetics company. The products are based around fast, easy, flawless application that anyone from novice to expert can do! Who doesn't want a full face in less than 6 minutes?! Our products have a certain sex appeal to them leaving any woman feeling fresh, sassy, and confident on any day of the week!

Take some time, sit back, and learn all about this incredible opportunity!

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First thing's first.
Log in to your website and click around!
Your link is
Click login. THIS is your Backstage aka your Back office.
Then, find the training courses in your Backstage under Tyra-U on the left hand side of the page. Do ALL of them! Read the Files, watch the videos!
Next, it's time to announce your biz!


The more excited you are, the more hype you create for your brand new business. If you need help creating the perfect post for your social media to announce your new biz, get with your new crew and leaders and ask for some help :)

You are not alone, ask your upline to add you to any team groups, and the Tyra Beautytainer corporate group where you will get support, encouragement, and advice for your new Tyra Biz!

(Can't wait to see ya in there!)


Kits & pricing are subject to change with upcoming launch. Please ask me or the person who sent you here for more current info.

After Launch (mid-September)

Be A Goal Digger

The first thing you want to strive for is your first promotion!

Your first goal is to get to BEAUTYTAINER.

  • You need 150 in PV (personal volume). With your $149 kit purchase, $100 of that ALREADY goes towards your organizational and personal volume. What does that mean for YOU? That means you are already SUPER close to your first promotion! You only need an additional $50 in sales to become an active Beautytainer, and be paid on any downline members you get to join your crew this month!

    Either place an order to grab some extra swag not included in your kit that you are dying to try OR some cash and carry for the products you KNOW your friends cannot wait to get their hands on! If you don't want to place an additional order, just start promoting your biz and when someone places an order you will hit that $50 requirement in no time!

2nd Goal - BLING:

  • 250 in PV
  • Two front line crew members need to have 150 PV each making them an active BeautyTainer

3rd Goal - BRONZER:

  • 500 in PV
  • 4,000 in Organizational Volume (Team volume, so everyone under you no matter how many levels deep will be accounted into this volume including 100 from each crew member who signs up and buys the $149 kit!)
  • 4 crew members in your front line of your downline who have at least 150 PV
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Product Commercials 

  Now that you have had a chance to see some of the information....what questions can I answer for you? I am a Founding Beta Beautytainer with Tyra Beauty and am loving every moment of this journey. Don't forget ladies, Tyra's new show, Fab Life, airs 9/14 and Tyra Beauty will be officially launching shortly after that. With the launch comes a bunch of new products, color schemes and opportunities. Here is my one hint to you....the current start kit is the BEST value you will see. $100 for over $314 worth of product. You won't get that with the starter kits that come out after launch. And, until the official launch, you are still a founding beta beautytainer. If you are sitting on the fence about it, now is the time to take the leap. 


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Heading into Winter....time to care for your lips

Alright ladies....we are heading into fall and right around the corner is winter. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, no one likes dry, cracked lips. No. One. So, how do we take care of our lips to make sure that we can continue to rock our popping hot lipsticks???

1. Use coconut oil. Put a little on each morning and night after your shower and before bed. Coconut oil has amazing healing powers!

2. Exfoliate!!! If they are dry, exfoliate them! Dry cracked lips can have an adverse affects on your lipstick, causing it to look caked on. No one wants that! Use a soft toothbrush or a warm washcloth and GENTLY scrub your lips. Once you are done use some coconut oil and wait 30 minutes before applying any product. Or check out a good lip scrub like the Brown Sugar Lip Exfoliater from Pink Papaya (

3. Watch your caffeine intake! Dry, chapped lips can be a sign of dehydration!

4. Use natural lip products. For chapstick I love Burt's Bees and for lipstick I use Tyra (check out her Oh Hell No list).

5. Make sure your lip balm has SPF in it!

6. If your lips become cracked and start bleeding, you need to take some emergency measures. Hot and cold compresses (using a washcloth) and lather them up with coconut oil!

7. Stay hydrated! Make sure your diet includes plenty of fluids. Eat fruits, leafy greens and green vegetables, and root veggies too, which are all full of water.  This is the best way to ensure your lips stay soft and moist!

Make sure you check out the amazing lipsticks by Tyra! I am in LOVE with What Lipstick Ask For A Raise! Amazing all day color! And right now, Suede and Juicy is still on sale....but only while supplies last. New products launching this Friday ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Create Your Cheekbones

Not everyone was born with killer cheekbones. Different face shapes and sizes play into how pronounced your cheekbones are. Did you know that you can create your own cheekbone? Here are five simple steps to creating the illusion that you have model's cheekbones:
Step One: Find your cheekbone. The contouring powder goes right below the actual cheekbone. Slightly suck in your cheeks and the powder would go right in the hallowed area.

Step Two: Use a bronzer powder that is three times darker than your normal skin tone. Starting at the apples of your cheek, sweep the bronzer powder in the hallowed area from the apple to your hairline.

Step Three: Check and recheck. Use a larger, fluffy brush to blend any harsh edges.

Step Four: Highlight the cheekbone. Use a highlighter powder or cream and place it right at the top of your cheekbones, just under your eye. Start at the center of the eye and dab outwards towards your hairline.

Step Five: Create a rosy cheek by adding a little blush to the apples of your cheek. Blend, blend, blend.



Now, I don't know about the rest of y'all but I used to grab a brush, throw some brozer or blush on it and put it on my cheeks. That was it. What is this sculpt and define stuff? Why sculpt and define? Defined cheekbones make the face appear slimmer! Who doesn't want that???? As I have stated before, my makeup routine was that of a teenager who has borrowed their mom's makeup and had NO EDUCATION on how to do it. Not anymore! Here is Tyra's version of sculpting and defining, without the brush!

Sculpt In a Stick:

Light In a Stick:

Cheek In a Stick:

Get to sculpting and defining ladies! Let those cheekbones SHINE!

Check Out Tyra Products
6 Minutes to Fabulous Facebook Page


Friday, August 28, 2015

6 Minutes and 1 Second

That's right....all it took me this morning was 6 minutes and 1 second to complete my makeup. I am seriously loving these products y'all!!!! I have no makeup abilities prior to trying Tyra and never really bothered to learn. I did the same routine for YEARS and never bothered to change....not even colors. How sad is that? But not anymore! Now, I am Tyra Beauty all of the way. Check it out......
Here is some real talk about the company. My title is Founding Beta Beautytainer. Why you ask? Well, we are still in beta testing and are not officially launching until next month sometime. When? We don't have an official date yet but I do know that Tyra's new show, Fab Life, is also launching in September. What are the advantages to being in a company where my CEO is Tyra Banks?

2. She has one slightly (sarcasm) popular show America's Next Top Model in which there used to be a contract with Covergirl but now she is only using Tyra Beauty.
3. She is debuting a NEW television show called Fab Life this September. Think she won't advertise for us?
4. Check out my business card......does yours have a SUPERMODEL on it?

Now ladies, things are changing once we officially launch. Right now the starter kit for new beautytainers is $100 (with the additional $49 starter fee). This kit offers over $314 worth of product. We just had a call from HQ earlier this week and they let us know that things are going to be changing in September once we officially launch. The kit will be slightly cheaper but will only offer about $150 worth of product. That's a huge difference. If you ever thought about this amazing opportunity, now is the time! Let me know if you have any questions as I would be more than happy to answer them!

Questions? Email me!
Where to Shop
6 Minutes to Fabulous Facebook

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ty Ty Tip!

Oops Liner is the FIRST liquid eye liner that I have EVER attempted. I know myself and I know my lack of skills when it comes to putting on eyeliner (like seriously, I struggle with a pen), but Oops Liner is virtually impossible to mess up! Why? Because of the Oops end which erases any and all mistakes that you make....WITHOUT having to remove all of your makeup and start over.
Questions? Ask them in the comments and I will get right back to you! I love talking about these products and want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to fierce their face in less than six minutes. Watch for a video tomorrow about how I do my daytime "smoky" eye using Light in a Stick, Sculpt in a Stick, Eye in a Stick, Kohl Liner (Meet The Parents), Liquid Liner and Smack My Fat Lash (who doesn't love that name????)!

6 Minutes to Fabulous Facebook
Questions? Email me!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Clean the Palette

As you know, I am a huge supporter of Tyra beauty products. I have found a new routine with them and find myself getting up and getting ready everyday with more energy and enthusiasm. It's amazing that a simple routine can do that. You know what I think it is? Prior to my Tyra products, I didn't really know how to put on my makeup and I think it showed. All the comments I received about not wearing makeup or not really looking like I put any on hit home. I would spend 10-15 minutes putting on makeup and not being noticed or feeling all that great about it. Now I spend 6 minutes and have had NUMEROUS compliments in the past week about my makeup. But, adding new makeup isn't the only thing we need to concentrate on ladies. First we need to clean the palette! Washing our face and keeping our skin healthy is from both the inside AND the outside.

Here are seven quick steps for making sure you are cleaning your palette correctly!
1. Keep your routine and face wash SIMPLE. Washing your face is meant to remove dirt, germs and excess oil, not the healthy skin! Find a simple soap that accomplishes this without drying out your skin or leaving rashes or redness!

2. If you do not use a lot of makeup or don't sweat profusely, its okay if you skip a washing at night before bed. Don't obsess. But, if you are wearing makeup, lotion or sunscreen, its best to wash your face once or twice a day.

3. Keep the water cool! Hot water can actually harm the healthy skin cells. Lukewarm or cold water has numerous benefits for your face. Washing your face with hot water actually opens up the pores in your skin allows your cleaner to OVERCLEAN! Using cool or cold water not only arouses and stimulate circulation in your body but it also it flushes the capillaries in the tissues and CLEANSES them from the build-up of waste matter and poisons, which can cause acne and other health problems.

4. Exfoliate sparingly girls. Excessive exfoliation can cause more damage than good! Exfoliate once or twice a week!

5.  Pat dry. Don't be in a rush and wipe your face dry. Pat, pat, pat (or as Tyra would say, dab, dab, dab). It also doesn't harm anything to leave a fine layer of water on your skin right before putting on your lotion. This can allow your lotion to lock the moisture in!

6. Winterization. Make sure you are watching the amount of time that you spend in a nice hot shower in the winter. All of the steam and heat can be drying on your face. Make sure you have a moisturizer that works for your face and pay attending to SPF. SPF = FRIEND!

7. Watch Your Eyes. Fight the urge to rub your eyes when waking up and when taking off your makeup. The skin under your eyes in extremely delicate and can easily be damage. Find a gentle eye makeup remover and pat, pat, pat!

I have recently started a new face washing routine and have fallen in love with a set of products. A dear friend of mine is a consultant for Perfectly Posh and recommended some products to me. I AM IN LOVE Y'ALL! IN LOVE! Check it out....two of the top three facial cleaners listed in this article were from Perfectly Posh!

If you are looking to try some new skin care products or have some questions....Erin is my girl. She has the knowledge to answer your questions and the website to place the orders ;)

Erin's Perfectly Posh

Now that your palette is clean, why not try out some of the amazing beauty products that Tyra has to offer! Official launch is next month. Place an order before the end of August and you can earn a FREE Tyra makeup bag ($25 value)! 

6 Minutes to Fabulous

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Made to Last

I have been wearing Tyra for a couple of weeks now. I decided the other day to get y'all some pictures to see how this product works. My normal routine is to get up at 5:30am and my makeup is all done before 6:30am. Then the day starts. I get my girls up and ready for school, drive an hour to work, work 8 hours and then drive another hour PLUS to get back home. Does Tyra last? Check it out....
 What do you think? I can hear your questions now.....contour what? Four fingers huh? Here is a three step photo showing no makeup, all my Tyra products applied (pre-dabbing and swabbing) and the finished product.
What questions do you have ladies? If you haven't heard about Tyra it is about to BLOW UP next month. Not only is September the official launch for Tyra Beauty Products but it is also the launch of my CEO's show, FABLife! Who is my CEO? TYRA BANKS! That's right!!! I was blessed to see so many of my fellow Beautytainers promoted this month to higher ranks in the business receive YELLOW ROSES from Tyra herself congratulating them.

But I have to tell you something, Tyra Beauty is more than just a business to me! I was stuck in a rut of being tired all of the time and not taking the time to make my outside match my inside. Between three kids, a full time job, my PhD program, PTCO President and a deployed husband, I lost sight of taking care of me. When I first tried the Tyra products I started to feel really fabulous on the outside again. I always wore makeup but always got told that I don't look like I wear any or had a LOT of people tell me that I looked tired. These products have changed that for me. My outside is matching the energy and life of my inside and it feels damn good.

If you are wanting to fierce up your outside, now is the time to try. For every $50 order you will receive a free Tyra makeup bag. I have this bag (I use it to carry products around for impromptu TyOvers) and it is great! Have any questions.....comment here or on Facebook. If I don't have an answer I will get one for you!
